Friday, July 12, 2013

I Need Your Help

It's been just a few weeks since I BETA launched Sinibaldi Analytics.

First and foremost, I am grateful for all the support and early indications show that the number of domestic and foreign visitors is about equal. As you know, I am currently working on eliminating the problem when dealing with foreign taxation on some digital products. I wish it was a simple as one VAT but the depth and scope of my subscriber base is global. Europe, Asia, South America... even the Middle East!

And that's why I need your help. I have tried to make extra tweets, to make posts on the elliottwavelive blogsite or open up content that would otherwise not restricted to you in an effort to accommodate those who can't gain access to all my insights and charts. However, the reality is that it's duplication of my work and in fairness to those who are paying, I can't provide the same detail or must provide the content at a later date where it carries lesser meaning and everyone knows the emphasis that I place on delivering it real-time!

In addition, you may have noticed that I have stopped creating work here and now link directly to Sinibaldi Analytics where you will need to be a subscriber to read some of the material. There's just no way around it.

The expansion of elliottwavelive and its relationship to Sinibaldi Analytics will solely be for real time education but that won't come online till Q4 or early next year. Therefore, I'm asking that all non U.S. residents subscribe for FREE to

In doing so, it will keep you in the game and I promise to give extra while I work with third party compliance to meet the foreign tax laws AND for those interested in a paid subscription, it will make notifying you when the service becomes available easier and quicker rather than you checking back to see what's going on.

Finally, by subscribing I'll have more time to create new 'free' content that would be of greater educational benefit and value to everyone. After all, content is why you follow me right?

So, those who truly find value in my work, need to step up and subscribe. I don't mean to offend anyone but you can't nibble at the fringes and learn elliott wave. If you went elsewhere, like "XYZ", whose name I won't mention, you would be charged 3 times as much just for a service - and free there means no counts are free in their blogs, but you can guarantee that you will be teased until you either subscribe or decide that you aren't getting anything that you can build upon. And should you decide to pay them, you best be proficient because they won't hold your hand or explain it either. Maybe that's the luxury they have but I'm not going to build my reputation or business like that.

So if I have offended anyone along the way, please accept my apology here and now. I'm providing a link right to the page so there is no searching. Just follow this link below.

I hope to create some new articles this weekend and hope you'll join the community. Have a great weekend.

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