Monday, November 5, 2012

Democalypse 2012-2013

Its Monday 11/5/2012. The day before the biggest Presidential Election in modern history. That's a bold statement and one that will be debated by historians in the years that follow. 

The title of this essay is appropriately named "Democalypse 2012-2013". As you will see, your vote may create an adverse effect on you, your families and the sovereignty of the United States of America. It's Judgement Day!

The subject of Barack Obama, his administration and his Presidency is a topic for any aspiring author but my purpose herein isn't to cover Barack Obama in depth. The purpose of this scroll is to encourage you to vote and to expose voters to, what I believe are the main issues that can't be ignored.

If you value your freedom, liberty and the opportunity for prosperity then read on. If not, you will find no value in anything I say. Please close your browser and unfollow me.

Politicians Are Masterful Liars

All politicians, without exception, are Master Craftsman of lying. They're liars in my mind until such time that they deliver on their promises. If there was a PHD program of Lying, they'd have a diploma. Lying creates needed distractions, diversions and uncertainty in voters’ minds. Who is telling the truth? Lying has no consequences because the majority of voters neither have the time nor the desire to research a candidate’s platform... let alone their speech. President Obama is a pathological liar. He hasn't delivered on his promises!

Abortion, Contraception and Gay Marriage

While the politicians attempt to keep voters focused on abortion rights, free contraception and gay marriages, these are hardly the MOST IMPORTANT issues which decide the future of this great nation.  

Economic Slavery Under Obama

The fact is, your economic future is being systematically destroyed.... one day at a time. Americans may become economic slaves whereas everything they own is subject to the whims of the government's pleasure. Let me explain. 

It's clear that President Obama plan to control and increase his power if reelected by increasing the dependence on government. The greater the need, the greater votes thus more power. Absolute Power shall be derived when those who are dependent upon government entitlement exceeds those who do not. During President Obama's first term in office, he's made great strides toward fulfilling his that objective:
  1. 23 million unemployed
  2. 43 straight months of 8% unemployment
  3. 45 million on food stamps
  4. Black poverty at record highs
  5. Black youth unemployment greater than 50%
  6. Hispanic unemployment greater than 10%
  7. Skyrocketing food prices
  8. Average household income down $4,300
  9. Over 100 million on some form of welfare
  10. 6 trillion in debt (more than all other Presidents in history)

These facts should be disturbing to anyone with a High School education. Yet, they are not to those dependent upon BIG GOVERNMENT. If you fall into that category, it’s not your fault. Its human nature and a basic instinct of survival.  However, any great survivalist has to be a great thinker and that's where most fail miserably. Not because they lack the intelligence but because they accept their own fate to easily. They succumb to the addiction that the government provides. A codependency of sort defined as a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as in an addiction to alcohol or heroin); and in broader terms, it refers to the dependence on the needs of or control of another. In this case, the government or the President is virtually assured the vote needed to maintain power that controls you, the voter.  

They task at hand in 2012 for those inflicted with codependency is whether they have the will and desire to exist in another way. One of prosperity and freedom, rather than the limitations that government entitlement imposes..... Slavery upon them and their family. For those who are struggling or foresee your future possibly following the same path as I have described, the only way to avoid this plight is accept real change in governance and vote out those who oppose it.

Thomas Jefferson once said, "Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights." 

Will you join us in exercising that right? 

Government Debt, Taxes and US Dollar

There is a great disparity between the state and local governments who cannot print money and sovereign national governments that can. If voters believe that either party can fix the debt problem, avoid the fiscal cliff without radical changes in Washington, please stop smoking the weed.

In the United States, you will see the Federal Government further suppress the purchasing power of the middle class by debasing the US dollar with unlimited QE programs attached to employment. So long as unemployment remains above acceptable levels, the printing press shall remain on forever burying taxpayers and their unborn children for generations to come with debt. As a result of fiscal policy, food, water, clothing and almost every other service provider imaginable will pass along the burden of increased cost to the consumer. These costs act as a form of tax to the consumer. With less disposable income and declining household income, one doesn't need an economic degree from Harvard to understand why the U.S. economy has made an anemic recovery.

I challenge every voter to review their bank statements, savings and retirement accounts and be honest with yourself. Have you created wealth during the Obama Presidency?  Are you struggling to feed your family? Living on credit? 

 If you are starting to see where I'm going with this ... hold on because it gets worse.

Excuse the digression to local governments for a moment. Property taxes are rising or will rise because municipalities can't balance a budget and control spending. Their revenues have been in decline ever since the Housing Bubble popped in 2007. Without adequate tax revenue, they too run their affairs like Washington... drowning with large deficits.  With property values suppressed and an inability to control spending, their only recourse is to raise the millage rate to generate higher revenue. This is free of income. Regardless of what you have in income, you owe taxes on the property even if you do not have a job. Sound fair? So voters support the runaway spending of yet another addict... your municipality!

Back to Big Brother. I believe that higher taxation in social security taxes and income tax is just over the horizon. With regards to social security tax, this is not really a tax but a garnishment on income that goes into the same Washington spending pot that is virtually bankrupt. Therefore, the “poor” who the Democrats swear on their grave that they will ease their burden by getting the rich bastards to pay more should worry about Social Security. Since that is a garnishment and not a tax on income, it is not refundable so the whole rich vs. poor argument is a crock – everyone is going to pay a higher percentage of withholding tax. Problem is the poor with be the ones crushed the most!

Regarding Federal income taxes, let's come to the understanding that the US Tax Code is a law. Instead of criticizing one's right to "legal deductions”, it is every taxpayer's legal right to use that law to their advantage regardless of economic status. Personally, I consider myself "middle class" yet I paid a lesser effective tax rate, on a percentage basis, than Mitt Romney. I, like Mitt Romney and President Obama, do so because my CPA knows the law. I took the deductions that I was legally entitled to. 

Who shall cast the first stone at me?  

Furthermore, I'm 100% certain that IF voters are being truthful to themselves, they'd take full advantage of tax laws if they made any significant amount of money. So get over the whole tax argument and earn your way to higher income. When you do, you'll quickly change your tune when the 1040 instructions tell you to use the Tax Computation Worksheet..... Where everything over certain amounts is a big percentage. See for further detail.

That said, voters should look beyond the campaign rhetoric. It is in my opinion that neither candidate can keep their campaign promises on lowering income taxes. It's just not mathematically possible if Washington is serious about bringing down the deficit. So be prepared to work harder to pony up for the current administrations fiscal policy. With respect to President Obama, his path is clearly to more debt. So choose your candidate wisely. 

Who Is Barack Obama

Without a doubt, Barack Obama is the single and most controversial President of my lifetime. Since his election, a plethora of uncertainty remains in the minds of voters. Investigations remain ongoing. Much of President Obama records and past is sealed. Much of the information has been ignored by the media outlets. Much of his actions and foreign policy seems so un-American. Why? 

How can voters not wonder? Common sense tells you that he's hiding something. Skeletons are in his closet. Somewhere someone knows the truth!

In closing, if you asked me to put all else aside, and for this very reason, I can't vote for someone who I doubt shares much love for America. The principles of those who participated in the American Revolution War, the signing the United States Declaration of Independence and establishing the United States Constitution must at all cost be protected. Our Constitution is under siege by the current administration! 

Label me a Patriot, if you must. My vote is my musket. I hope you'll join me on November 6, 2012.   

This Is Mike Sinibaldi Out. 

P.S. Skynet becomes self-aware at 1:14 am Eastern time, Nov 7, 2012. Judgement Day if Obama is re-elected. You've been warned!

P.S.S. I'd be honored if you shared this with your base. It's that important! 

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